reigniting the flame;
Wednesday, July 28, 2010,
Doing french now. :D I think I'm regaining my passion for it. J'aime le francais! :D
Thank you Lord, for the strength to carry on.
J'espere c'est pas si retard.
Save me from this road I'm on,
12:10 AM
Tuesday, July 27, 2010,
I love Corrinne May.
Thank you for being a faithful servant of God, belting out His grace and truths, encouraging everyone with your meaningful lyrics and beautiful voice.

there's a song for every season
Save me from this road I'm on,
11:07 PM
all the fun we had together;
Wednesday, July 21, 2010,
We ate dinner as a family today. Mum cooked dumplings and later ate pudding for dessert. :D SO HAPP-EH! :D
Goosh, got loads to catch up. Off to study for history~ :O
Sometimes I wish we would never change.
Save me from this road I'm on,
9:50 PM
curl up and fly away;
Wednesday, July 07, 2010,
I'm about to collapse. But I got to hang on. I want to look back and say that I have fought well.
I hope all goes well for IDMI, it has been a tumultous journey and we're almost nearing the end of it. I really hope we end it well. :S Maybe it would be the single success that I have ever had a hand in accomplishing.
I'm really really really tired. Every day it piles up, like a nagging fear. They say music helps, apparently it's just background symphony to this tiring state I return to. Let my help come from you Lord. Please renew my strength and let me soar on wings like an eagle. Thank you.
Just wanna leaveDon't wanna hear them say "You're no good at this".
Save me from this road I'm on,
11:27 PM