today was a fairytale;
Tuesday, May 18, 2010,
It was great today. I REALLY REALLY had so much fun. :D
The day started off when I walked into class and there was this big notice written all over the white board: "Happy Birthday Regina!". OMG OMG RIGHT. HAHAHA, feel so happ-eh. Then Zishan and Yi Jie came into class and gave me this retarded looking package --> MY PRESENT! :O I opened it and... oh well, what can you expect from this kind of noobs? Just some plasic bag with newspaper balls in it, functioning as a mini pillow. (TRASH RIGHT. :D) HAHAHA, then most of the 3 Cows girls, we went to take photo together with the whiteboard notice and my
ugly-looking "pillow" with Des' cool black camera to commemorate this -ahem- SPECIAL event! ;D LOL, even Mr Najeeb joined in the fun. ROFLL! Oh and not to mention, I renewed my marriage vows with Yi Jie. :D
Later went to Katong CC for LEVEL EXPERIENCE! WOOTS! Our first activity was the culinary session - MAKING CURRY PUFF AND KUEH DARDAR! XD Well, quite disappointing actually. Because the course had to squeeze everything into a few hours only, most of the preparation processes were omitted. :( The curry puffs' filling was already made for us. We only had to align the filling into the already-prepared pastry crust and fold it to make the puff, then glaze it with egg to give it some golden brown colour.

Look at our curry puffs~~

SUCCESS! :D We cracked egg and successfully beat it! :D MUAHAHAHA! Now it's only yellow goo...


Sarah beating the egg :D

Addy can't keep her eyes open while eating... -.- TOO DELICIOUS, DARLING? :D
For the making of the Kueh Dar Dar, they had prepared the coconut filling for us and all we had to do was just fold the outer skin to make the roll and eat. :D Some of us helped with the making of the skin though. HAHAHA, oh well, and I hate to brag, but I
can make skins man. ;DDDDDD

Nice roll made by yours truly... So nice, who else can it be? :D

Great, perfect, smooth, delicious skin made by me again. :D Lucky Terence.

Skin sizzling in pan.
Then we ate our Macs lunch where retarded Terence tried to squeeze and eat 40+ fries in his mouth. He succeeded. Retard. :D

Malay Culture Dance came later. It was quite cool actually, finally got to learn firsthand those cool steps that PRPS Malay dancers always presented on stage. :D People like Zishan and Isaac though, WERE EPIC. :D
Then me, Zishan, Grass, Addy, Zhaoru and Ali went for a sort of mini birthday celebration cum random outing at KLP. ;DDDDDDD Went to buy Feh-lee-sha's present first, MUAHAHAAH! ;D Quite nice actually but the shop was kinda blinding with all the anime characters on the products around. :O Walked around a bit before deciding to just eat froyo at Yoguru and chat. HAHAHA ordered the JUMBO SIZE! HAHAHA but we are pro, finished it in less than 15 minutes, WOOTS! XD

Went for dinner at Koufu subsequently. Then, THE LAST SONG!!! :D HAHAHA, it was quite good, except as with all Nicholas Sparks adaptations, there is no process. :X Like, boy meets girl, then they IMMEDIATELY fall in love. &&& there was so much unnecessary kissing in the movie. I mean, yeah I know that they are in love and all but need they KISS SO MUCH. Sheesh mans, they like kiss more than I pee in a day. :O But the part between the father and daughter and son was really touching. Everyone cried, except for Addy. Heartless woman.

I went home with Grace, Zishan and Ali after that. Addy and Zhaoru were sent home by Zhaoru's dad. Fortunate people. :D All of us were super tired during the MRT ride. HAHAHA! But was cheered up by noob Grace's retarded expression. MUAHAHAHA! :D

Disclaimer: I had permission from the object in the picture to upload this on the World Wide Web.
LOL, ok off to do some work. HAHAHA, will update about Day 2 of Level Experience if I have the time! :D THANK YOU TO ALL WHO MADE THIS BIRTHDAY SUCH A SPECIAL ONE! ;DDDDDD ILY GUYS! XD
Save me from this road I'm on,
11:28 PM
Sunday, May 16, 2010,
nothing I ever do is good enough in your eyes.
maybe one day, I'll stop trying.
Save me from this road I'm on,
10:55 PM
something about failures;
Wednesday, May 12, 2010,
They say "Failure is the mother of success", but what if I have many mothers? Does that mean I have many successes?
They're all coming to me at the same time. But they don't know that all I will do is let them fail.
Resilience. It was like a timely reminder from Him.
But sometimes you fall one too many times, and you feel like staying down just so you will not feel the fall again.I pray one day, God will numb all this pain, that I'll be able to look back and not regret a single thing I've gone through. I want to be like You.
Save me from this road I'm on,
10:06 PM
suffocating, beneath the water;
Sunday, May 09, 2010,
They said that this year was the prime year. the year where you shine because you get all these responsibilities. I looked forward to it.
Just didn't expect this much work to come along with it.
Save me from this road I'm on,
12:26 AM