The sun shines brightly
Saturday, January 23, 2010,
I'm taking a break now while Zhi Yi and Jia Qi goes for their dinner... Mummy hasn't come back yet so no dinner for me~ *cue sad music* LOL, my stomach is growling cuz I ate macs for lunch. Sighs, just goes to show that fast food can't
really satisfy. Or I'm just plain greedy. :D
Anyway, Stalin is giving me a REALLY REALLY HARD, CONFUSING, BRAIN RACKING TIME. Sheesh mans, why couldn't he be just a normal leader?? Why did he have to come up with his own ideology??? Sads, and students like me have to study about it. Oh well, they say as leaders you have to pioneer a new path. I guess in that sense, he was great leader. LOL.
Got loads of homework for the weekends, LIKE WHOOPPEEE! I guess it's home for the weekends then. Here's an exclusive snippet of a conversation that took place on Monday with my Maths teacher, Mr Yap.
Mr Yap: Oh as for your pop quizzes, I have not finished marking them. I didn't mark on the weekends, you see.
Class: GASP!
Mr Yap: Yah what, weekends are for us to relax so that we will come back renewed on Monday!
LOL, Mr Yap is soooo funn-eh! :D Here's the thing: in a student's life, there is no such thing as a completely free weekend. Sadly. :(
Christie and Sherri left on Thursday. I don't know why but I feel numb. I should have seen this coming, seeing that I knew about it like a long time ago. When the time for their departure came, I cried mildly. I know I should have felt really sad and cried a lot. Maybe the reality hasn't sank in yet?
I watched as they queued up to get their passports scanned and thought through all these years we spent together. I realised then, that they will not be there on Sunday to greet and hug me warmly like they always do; none of their familiar faces coming through the doorway into the worship hall; no Christie to eat with me on Sundays, no Sherri helping me to teach tambourine; no blur antics; no cute sister squabbles.
Christie and Sherri are not going to come back for good for another 10 years.
And that was when the tears came, I watched as they disappeared from sight into the departure halls, waving. Goodbye and God bless, my childhood friends.

Save me from this road I'm on,
7:12 PM