Birthdays are fun!
Saturday, June 27, 2009,
50th POST in my 3 years of blogging! XD So I finally completed my HORRENDOUS 校园笔记 and am feeling quite accomplished now, enjoying the music from my block void deck!(PS They're having a baby bloom bash! Unique huh! Haha, and my bro and I were still guessing if it was going to be a wedding or funeral when we saw the chairs...)Thank you God! ;D But you know, I keep having this feeling that I probably did not write it that well and want to review it. :S Comes with years of completing hw last minute I guess. :X
So yeah since I have a bit of time, shall post some OVERDUE birthday pics! :D

We went to Saycheeze at tampines one for my birthday dinner! XD New eating place for me!

Delicious CHEEZEcake

You can RESERVE your cheesecake?!!

Bro playing his PSP while waiting for food. AS USUAL. =.=

Now you know where my lame genes come from...


Hahas, will upload school photos another time! Off to do reflections essay!
Save me from this road I'm on,
4:41 PM
Thank you for friends, God.
Friday, June 26, 2009,
Discovery of the day: Hello Panda Cookies are TOTALLY useful for when you get depressed and sick of homework. Yep, so I'm munching the strawberry flavoured ones now because I'm totally sianed of my xybj.
LOL, so anyway, FOURTH POST OF 2009! It's kinda like an achievement. Never thought I'd even come to it. :D Amanda, a miracle has happened. ;) And to popo, zs, and ALL OTHERS who thought this day would never come, it has. ;DDDD
I had a great birthday. :D Thank you for friends, God. Really grateful to all who had wished me, gave me pressies or just remembered! LOVE YOU GUYS! (EXCEPTION OF YL...) LOL, even Mr Tong wished me, no surprise thanks to the eye catching string of balloons... And so after 2 birthday songs, countless presents and wishes, I would like to say one more time, I LOVE YOU ALL PPL!
I would like to end this post with something I came across today that is soooooooo sick. I didn't think such a human being even existed...
SICK PERSON.Gah, back to work and piano...
Save me from this road I'm on,
5:56 PM