Wednesday, March 28, 2007,
So this week is like E-learning week in school... It's something like the teachers post assignments on a website and you go online and do it and as a result, you wil just have to stay at home and complete the assignments which means that you don't need to go to school. *All gasps in envy* How cool is that?? You may ask. You know, that was my reaction too, before I found out that our level gets only 3 days instead of the 5 days that all the younger levels get and I found out that we had like, a GAZILLION assignments to do. Omg! I mean, seriously, it's like more than last year!! Ok, I'm not complaining but I'm just overwhelmed by the number of assignments... Maybe because of the fact that we're taking our PSLE this year??? Goodness, I took like close to 3 hours just to complete ALL the assignments. Ok, to be fair, breaks were included. Lol! So, I admit that it's kinda cool not going to school, even though it's only for 3 days. No need to wake up so early... Lol! One more pro is that I'll be able to blog for these three days!! Yippee! *Cue cheers and laughter*
Yesterday, I was watching this really cool show, The Arena. Omg! It was the grand finals. I have been following it since like the first episode. Ok, maybe not all but most of it... Hehe! Ok, so the two titans that were battling were Hwa Chong Institution and United World College and in the end, the latter won. Oh well, I supported Hwa Chong but I admit that in terms of articulation, United World College is better. But one thing that I didn't like was that the debate yesterday was a bit "shallow", you call it? Yeah, I mean even though it's like the finals, the debate wasn't one of the best of the whole show... Okok, I know, you're probably blaming me for not recommending this show to you earlier... Sorry... Hehe! There's next year... *smiles guitily*
All right, to make up for what I did, I have changed the music player of my bloggie!!! Yippee!! But sad to say, it's a bit small so yeah, in case you cannot see the titles and all that jazz, I have painstakingly typed out each and every insy-binsy detail of each song so all you have to do is squint just a teeny-weeny bit to spot the number of the song that you want to hear. =) Isn't it simple? *Cue applause* Thank you, thank you! I have done all this for you, my beloved readers that have been so loyal to me. Lol! Kkz, this is Latinqueen Regina signing off. And btw, I have tweaked my princess profile a bit so yeah, check it out,k? Stay cool man! Lol! I'm going all lame... -_-"
Save me from this road I'm on,
9:08 PM