Thursday, November 23, 2006,
I start my post by saying... "I'm sorry". I tried to make a tag box for all of you, my blog readers to tag my blog but I failed cuz' something went wrong with the system so I guess you all will just have to stick with the good ol' "leave a comment system".=PWell, starting with my day. The PSLE results are out and the highest in our school got 270! Cool eh? I think so too! It would be my turn soon and I hope I would do well... Talking bout' the PSLE really makes me freak out. I mean, it's really scary. People make it sound like the PSLE molds your life, if you don't do well, you will have a bad future. Do I think so too? Well, I would say in a way, because if you do well, you get into your dream school, you get a good education, get it?Good Results for PSLE = Good School = Good Education = Good FutureIt's not your whole life though. I mean it's not like you have to study day and night just for the PSLE. Wake up! Life's all about having fun and doing what you love and being you. I don't deny the fact that we still have to study and not many of us like studying the whole time but we still can have fun! So I have come to the conclusion that while we still have to study for the PSLE, we also have to let half our hair down and relax!( That wasn't so bad, was it?)Whoa! That was a long talk about the PSLE. Maybe I should consider a career as a research person (sorry, I don't know what their called)...In case you're wondering why I type so cheerfully today, it's cuz' well, I got over the whole " friendship" thingie and besides, it's the HOLIDAYS!!!!!!! We still got a few more weeks to go and I'm going for a holiday tomorrow morning! Yeah, I know, I'll miss typing in my blog too! I haven't packed some of the things yet! Haha! It's so last minute! Well, I wish all of you a great holiday! Latinqueen Regina signing off!
Save me from this road I'm on,
6:37 PM
Wednesday, November 22, 2006,
Haiz... I feel so lousy today. Juz the thing I need before my awesome holiday tomorrow... Have you ever experienced someone criticising you? Not just someone but someone you have been so close with, someone you even call... A Friend. After all this time you spent with that person, they tell you that they have looked back and the relationship they share with you is not that of friends. If she's the kind of people who's not worth to befriend, then why am I feeling so upset now? Probably cuz' I value our friendship, probably cuz' it has meant a lot to me... Sometimes, life gets too hard to carry on... All of you who are reading this right now probably think I'm a pessimistic person who has had a bad relationship with her friend and just created this blog to pour her sorrows into. Haha!(Yay! I finally managed a laugh!!) Nah! It just so happens that the holidays are so boring I decided to create a blog instead and a "friend" of mine just said something really mean to me. Anyway, enough of the bummering things. I'm looking forward to blog my experiences in this little blog of mine. If you're wondering where I got the inspiration of the title of my blog from, I heard it in a song and decided to use it. Quite cool huh?
Save me from this road I'm on,
6:54 PM